yes to Tomatoes Blemish Fighting Bubbling Single Use Mask (Pack of 3)

Look Fantastic

kr 150,00
FRAKT: kr 36,00
VARENUMMER: 12395472
Developed for breakout-prone skin, the yes to Tomatoes Blemish Fighting Bubbling Single Use Mask helps to purify, cleanse and promote a clear, healthy complexion. Crafted from pure cotton, the sheet mask adheres to facial contours for maximum effect; its blend of Salicylic Acid and Tomato Extract deliver a deep pore-cleansing action to draw out dirt and impurities, whilst preventing new blemishes from forming. The 10-minute treatment activates upon contact for a foaming face mask experience. Contains three masks. 95% natural ingredients. Paraben, SLS, silicone and cruelty free.